Friday, September 20, 2013

Adored, The

Interesting Character Study Leaves A Few Unanswered Questions In Its Finale
We, as people, are always the most curious puzzles, and I think that's because we're always prone - at certain stages or periods in our lives - to do something in character that causes us unintentional harm. As much as we like to believe we're all creatures of fate, that old rub called `free will' inevitably forces us into dark alleys or (worse) the darker recesses of our mind where we think strange thoughts. Some of us even act on those strange thoughts, and that no doubt might lead us down into even darker alleys or into even darker places where the way back is either too treacherous to find or no longer the lesser of evils.

In many respects, that's the ground trod in THE ADORED, a character study of two women (and maybe even one man) that only flirts usefully with the kind of desolation we all shackle ourselves under in some way, shape, or form.

(NOTE: The following review will contain minor spoilers necessary solely for the discussion of plot and...

Great tension
I think the tension that builds throughout the movie is incredibly intelligent. The performances of the actors is a testament to the writing and direction of what is a rather emotional journey.

What's the name of the Musician singing the song in the beginning of the movie?
The movie itself was pretty good..although a little slow moving. Had great soundtrack in the movie. Does anyone know who the Musician singing the song in the beginning of the movie? Great song.

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