Saturday, September 21, 2013

Young Justice Game of Illusions: Season 2 - Part 2

cartoon network=idiots
Young justice was the best cartoon on cn since jl/jlu. They cancelled it due to the lack of revenue generated from toy sales. If that was the case, stop with the big displays, lower the price point, put out characters that people want and really cater to the fans! Sheer stupidity on the parts of mattel and cn. Anyway, I can't recommend more highly a cartoon. The animation, voice acting, action, character development=excellence. Wish it was still airing instead of this teen titans go/beware the batman crap!

Over too soon!
Cartoon network messed up putting this on early saturday morning. It should have been in the 8pm to 10pm time slot; it was meant for an older ordinance. The stories where great, the development of the characters was awesome, the artwork is great and the action was phenomenal. The downfall of this show was the time slot and the big time gaps between episodes. If you love comics, the JL cartoon, the JLU cartoon or the Teen Titans cartoon or are looking to get something you and the kids can see together and not go crazy or you are trying to get your kids into this is the thing for you. It is like the teen titans all grown up with lots of action and great stories. If I had any say in it I would have done at least three more seasons. There was lot's of more stories to be told. My opinion get the entire series now you will love it!!!!!!!!!!

One of the best cartoons ever!!!!!
It's a shame when people who have no idea what they are doing are making decisions that impact the masses. That is just what happened with this wonderful cartoon. The IDIOTS at cartoon network cancelled this just because it didn't sell enough toys. RIDICULOUS!!!! This is by far one of the best cartoons ever. I would love to see full BluRay editions of the 1st and 2nd season. But you know that won't happen because cartoon network is apparently ran by mongoloids.

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