Monday, September 23, 2013

Betsey Takes Tokyo

Love Betsey Johnson....
It's a pleasure to watch this super-creative, out-of-the-box woman in her daily life. Like most of us, she is fabulously flawed and working hard at dealing with life's issues. Her life just happens to be a more upscale one than most of us enjoy.

I feel sorry for her daughter, Lulu, in that it is difficult to find your own light when you are the product of a famous successful parent. It is admirable that she is willing to put her struggles on display. The viewer can feel her frustration in needing her mother, and, at the same time, wanting to create her own identity and achieve her own place to stand in the world.

The most wonderful part of this show is what an inspiration Betsey is at 70. She enjoys each day and looks for new challenges at a time when most people are acting old and broken down. She is an inspiration and a totally unique creation. That's an awesome thing. For the reviewer who found the show "shallow," I'm not sure how much rawer it can get than...

I love her designs
I love her designs, but I'm sorry I bought the show. I realize this was just reality TV, but I hope Betsy and her daughter were just putting on a show. No one could possibly be that shallow and silly. Only on occasion they showed flashes of the intelligent,creative person she must be.

Click to Editorial Reviews

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