Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Entrepreneur

When I first viewed the trailer I thought, "Who is this dysfunctional wild man?" I was intrigued by someone who can build and lose so many fortunes in one lifetime and still generate intense passion to do it again. What I enjoyed about this story is how director Jonathan Bricklin managed to capture the two very distinct sides of Malcom Bricklin, his crazy dysfunction with a deeply sensitive loving soul. Well directed, well edited and I loved the soundtrack. The film takes you on a wild ride with a passionate visionary. It's not the money, it's the game. For anyone with an Entrepreneurial spirit - I highly recommend this film.

Well documented and filmed but one doesn't understand the reason for the ending
This is a documentary of a deal gone bad and of a betrayal. I would have liked to know how and/or why this happened.

A real look at how hard it is to start a new business
As a former executive of the company I can attest that the movie is accurate and the editing and musical score was very good and I only wish there had been more time for a lot more detail about Mr. Bricklin's other innovative projects that were not covered in the movie.

Click to Editorial Reviews

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