Sunday, September 22, 2013

Taste It: A Comedy About The Recession

Always great to see another truly funny indie film. Great raunchy comedy throughout. I hear the director who made this is working on something new now. Definitely a must see.

Raunchy and Witty!
If you like low-brow humor you'll get a kick out of this. Think "American Pie" or "Hangover" style dirty jokes. The characters are likable, not to mention the girls are smoking hot playmates and the guys are hilarious in finding their own way. I'd definitely Spring break with Francesca Frigo and Katie Rotolo. For the budget, much better than I expected. Nicely done.

This movie was an embarrassment !
This movie was an embarrassment! I felt it was a light porno film! Very disappointed! Please don't offer anymore film like this to me!!!

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