Thursday, September 26, 2013

Meet Monica Velour

A cute little "coming of age"movie
This movie was a pleasant surprise.
It is a shame it did not more attention.

Truth be told, based on previews I was concerned it would be some cheap, stupid, teen comedy with an excuse for sleazy sex jokes.

To the contrary, it was a charming and amusing "coming of age" movie about a geeky guy who loves nostalgia who does a lot of growing up and discovering important things about life when on his first big solo adventure on the road.

A much better film than I was expecting.

Probably Kim Cattrall's best acting performance of her career - and she was brave enough to gain weight and skip make-up in order to try and make the characterization genuine.

Charming and human
This is basically a charming little "coming of age" indie movie. I found it fun. Kim Cattrall's star turn is quite good, high-quality acting, and the young hero is believable and effective. Brian Dennehy gives a solid if underbilled performance as the young nerd's grandfather, as well.

The makers created some "Monica Velour" adult features from the pre-video age that will amuse anyone who remembers that era - they obviously had a lot of fun inventing period products. I enjoyed this aspect of the movie, but wish they had given Annie Sprinkle or Kay Parker or someone a cameo -- that would have been great!

Despite dealing with adult themes and sex work, this is not a very salacious movie. There are a few quick glimpses of partial nudity and some explicit language, but 90+% of this movie is PG or purer. There's more smuttiness in any teen-age slob movie, these days. You'd have to be exceptionally prudish to be offended by anything here.

This film is adult...

This Proves Love is Blind
Adolescence is a period of barely controlled insanity. Adulthood isn't much better. "Meet Monica Velour" proves it!

Kim Cattrall ("Sex and the City" and "The Ghost Writer") is the infamous Monica, a talent-less former porn star gone to seed. Her main fan is a gawky 17-year-old boy from Auburn, Washington, who has collected all her videos, posters, press clippings and publicity items from websites, video stores, yard sales and E-Bay. This goofy kid is played to geeky perfection by Dustin Ingram (lots of TV) whose character is out to prove that love IS blind!

Our hero is the proprietor of a mobile hot-dog vending van; it has a giant hot dog mounted on the roof. His father is a boozy retiree, played by Brian Dennehy (working hard on stage and screen since 1977), who gives his son the keys to the van as a high-school graduation present. The boy instantly lists it on E-Bay and finds a buyer in the mid-West, not too far from the last known address of his dream...

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