Thursday, September 19, 2013

Spider-Man 2 (Mastered in 4K) (Single-Disc Blu-ray + Ultra Violet Digital Copy)

Spider-Man 2 surpasses the original!
Just when I was about ready to throw in the towel on Hollywood and its univentive sequel/remake/book adaption craze of unoriginal recycling, I sat down to see the second chapter in Sam Raimi's "Spider Man" series. While I enjoyed the first film, it never really drew me in emotionally. It had some real cool action sequences and some interesting special effects but the story was very paint-by-numbers comic book fare. I enjoyed the film's cinematic style, which seemed to me like an homage to the 50's-style of films, but while I wasn't turned off by the the hero's backstory, I was never fully compelled by it either. When I had heard all of the cast members spit the usual studio speech about how the sequel would be even better, I took it very much with a grain of salt. By the time I came out of this movie, however, I was a believer.

"Spider Man 2" takes place two years after the original where Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire) is struggling with the realization that his superhero alter-ego...

The Best Movie of 2004
Spiderman 2 has some of the highest expectations to ever be placed on a movie. Spiderman grossed $403 million dollars and is the fifth most successful movie in U.S. history. Spiderman 2 could shatter that number.

Spiderman 2 picks up right where Spiderman left us. Peter Parker(Maguire) is a struggling college student. His grades are slipping and so are his friendships with his best friends Mary Jane(Dunst) and Harry(Franco). His Aunt May(Harris) is worried sick about him. His duties as Spiderman are keeping him so busy he's starting to fall apart. He has a huge assignment due in school about a famous scientist and Harry happens to know the guy so he gives him the hook up.

Harry is now in charge of special operations at Osbourne Industries. Dr. Otto Octavius(Molina) is a world famous scientist who has ideas on how fusion will save the world. He's created four mechanical arms he wears that help him do the work. An accident happens though that causes the arms to fuse to the Dr and he...

The Best Superhero Movie Ever
"Ladies and gentlemen, fasten your seat belts."

Spider-Man 2 was everything a comic book movie should be. From the opening credits, which were done cleverly by using comic stills to explain the events of the first film, to the closing credits, I sat in the jam packed sold out movie theater mesmerized as Sam Raimi flawlessly put together the definitive comic book movie.

To begin with, I enjoyed this movie more than the first one in every category. I felt more characterization. I could relate with Parker's emotions on a higher level than the first movie. Also, all of the other characters put on better acting performances than the previous installment. The overall plot, I felt, was better too. This time, the plot surrounded Peter Parker, played by Toby Maguire, going through the days with his ongoing struggle as he leads on a double life. He has no time for his friends, his school work; he's even on the brink of being fired from his job of a pizza delivery boy...

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