Wednesday, September 25, 2013

My Father's Garden

Must see!
This is a wonderful story with a dramatic twist. It's hard to distinguish between a documentary and a novel, but it tell's an important story of the current state of our agriculture. It brings up important possibilities for the future of our food and should be seen widely.

My Father's Garden in Health Class
I have used this compelling film in my 8th grade Health Science class as part of our unit on nutrition and organic gardening. I like to use the film because it documents the development of farming with chemicals in a very human way. The film has the quality of a home movie and the individual lives it focuses on help make the story very real to my students. This film does not preach, but does show us how farmers innocently used chemical pesticides and fertilizers thinking they were farming with the newest scientific advances. This documentary is informative and moving, and important for all of us to experience.

You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll go organic!
"My Father's Garden," is one of the most important and poignant documentaries I've seen on the plight of the American farm and how petro-based chemical agriculture has altered this country's rural heritage. Fred Kirschenmann is my organic farming hero. If I could choose all over again, I'd pursue a career in organic farming because of him.

If you care at all about what you eat, if you care at all about the health of our rural communities, if you care at all about the well being of the people who grow the foods you consume, buy this DVD. Watch it. It will forever change the way you think about what ends up on your plate. A must-see.

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