Tuesday, September 24, 2013

That's What I'm Talkin' About

Is it possible to award zero stars?
Its hard to believe that anyone actually pays money to see this show. Saget's humor is sophomoric at best, in terrible taste, and really not at all funny.

... and he talks! a lot!
It's been almost 15 years since the last time I watched a Bob Saget stand-up performance. I remember back then feeling shocked that all these dirty and inappropriate jokes were coming from the same man who looks so calm, generous, father-like and naturally kind... WOW I couldn't have been more wrong! That super protective and polite father figure from the Full House days paint a very false picture what this man is REALLY like, and Bob goes absolutely swear-happy insane on That's What I'm Talking About.

He frequently picks on a select few people in the audience, mentions his father and what he was like when Bob Saget was younger, name drops the Full House show and cast quite often (and one joke perhaps takes the cake for being the funniest of the night involving a cardboard cutout and I believe Dave Coulier inside a limousine... WAY too offensive to mention here!), and even does the typical "guitar and song" sit down segment at the end (which is surprisingly not that funny...

Although I understand many people may find it amusing to see Bob Saget from Full House cursing constantly and focusing on sex, masturbation, farting, etc, he lacks wit and novelty. I have no trouble with comics who curse a lot or focus on sex, etc, but he simply is not funny. Every punchline is predictable. Spend your money on Hannibal Burress, John Mulaney, Bill Burr, etc instead.

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