Sunday, September 22, 2013

Birders: The Central Park Effect

A birding experience
This video makes you feel like you are right out there in the park with these birders. It really represents the birding experience. Great views of many birds. I've watched this three times already.

Birders: The Central Park Effect
For birders (my parents) and non-birders (myself) this movie is fun, informative and just plain interesting. It gives a glimpse into a year in Central Park and all it's seasons. We loved it!

Must-see for birders; an eye-opener for anyone curious about the incredible world we live in
This documentary deserves 5 stars for its gorgeous video photography of the many resident and migratory birds one can really see in Central Park. I think many folks don't have any idea how many beautiful tropical migrants, especially the tiny, brilliantly colored wood warblers, pass through our region each spring (and fall, though in less brilliant coloration then). And this video goes beyond the beautiful images to tell an important, real story about the lives of those birds. It depicts a range of real birders in the park, gives a glimpse of what fuels their passion, and allows them to tell much of the story. It also explains very well why so many birds are concentrated in Central Park (and other small patches of forest that offer the trees and insects they must find) as they travel up the East Coast during migration, or settle to raise young in our area. Since we have developed most of the once vast eastern forest for human uses, flocks of migrants are funneled into relatively...

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