Saturday, September 21, 2013

Secrets of Chatsworth

not much on the house
While this was somewhat interesting it definitely was not what I expected or was looking for. It's mainly a history of the Cavendish family with an occasional look at the house. They talk about notorious members of the family and ignore the rooms and the art and the sculpture. I kept waiting for them to actually say so and so painted this or this happened here and this is why this was done. They did better on the gardens but even there spent a lot of time on a building that is no longer there. Quite a disappointment. Wish I'd seen it on PBS so I'd've known not to waste my money on it. Guess I should have bought the 25 year old tour instead! I think the same Duke (then Marquess of Hartingdon) did the tour guiding.

Very interesting
I watched this several times and bought it because I kept catching on parts of it on PBS. Gorgeous building and grounds! Very happy they're not my responsibility

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