Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Professionals

Don't Nail Him Yet
Excellent episode of spy vs. spy with John Drake. One of my favorites. This is still one of the most accurate TV series of a British secret agent than most any other series alive today. I highly recommend it.john.a.carman@gmail.com (former U.S. Secret Service)

Fair Exchange
Great episode form the daring secret agent of the British Secret Service MI5/MI6. One of my favorites. Buy the whole series so you won't miss an episode. John.a.carman@gmail.com

A Date With Doris
This is my favorite episode of Danger Man. I can remember watching it many years ago and I loved it. It has always been my favorite because of the friendship between John Drake and Peter Miller, and how John risks his life to save Peter, with the help of Juana, their new found friend --who is also one of the military police! It was wonderful to see it again! Thank you!

Click to Editorial Reviews

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