Friday, September 27, 2013

Lazarus: Part 1

Intriguing Pilot
I saw not the Overlook Hotel, but the haunted New York apartment building based on the real life Dakota in Rosemary's Baby, complete with the research into the building's evil and storied past. It is a genre trope that I like, so for that alone and the potential therein I was hooked.

A young couple, living on the fringes of New York glamour in terms of the company that their professions bring them (lawyer and architect) but in the sticks in Queens in terms of their income, is first tempted with the offer of a beautiful apartment on the Upper East Side of New York for a nominal amount of managing work. Indeed, in the interview they are told that they need to keep their day jobs, so clearly there is another person or people in the building doing daily maintenance work. They grab the opportunity as anyone in their right mind would as it takes rich person money to live a middle class life in Manhattant. Nobody tells you that cheap, beautiful apartments in Manhattant require not...

Worth it!
Somewhere between "American Horror Story" and "Devil's Advocate". It's intriguing and promising... mysterious and the cast is great. The pilot hooked me enough to want more.

Cool but creepy
The series gave me nightmares... and I do not scare easily. But I do support Vanessa Williams. She needs the job.

Click to Editorial Reviews

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