Monday, September 23, 2013

Patlabor TV: Collection 1 [Blu-ray]

Amazing remaster. Absolutely amazing.
I am a Patlabor nut. Pure and simple. This is just as I stated in my review of the Patlabor (OVA) [Blu-ray] review.

Maiden Japan has treated this release with the utmost respect. They have secured the original Japanese remastered video, which is jaw droppingly beautiful No dust, no dirt and less cel jitter than the original DVD releases from CPM.

Patlabor TV restarts the series. The squad is re-formed, discarding what we received in the OVA (so no, you don't need to see the OVA first, though I still recommend watching them as they are some good episodes).

There are 12 episodes, spread across 3 Blu Rays.

So there is one other thing to alert everyone to. The discs contain both the Japanese and English spoken languages, however there are 2 video streams. One stream is the original Japanese video, with the original running time, subtitled with Japanese language. The other...

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