Friday, September 27, 2013

Dead Man Down [HD]

Engrossing and Powerful Tale Of Revenge
DEAD MAN DOWN is a very engrossing and engaging tale of revenge. What starts out as a totally confusing and seemingly unrelated series of events ever so slowly comes together in a thoroughly riveting climax. Director Niels Arden Oplev's tale is methodically paced and ultimately mesmerizing as the story unfolds. Colin Farrell gives one of his best performances in a very underplayed characterization and Noomi Rapace is totally impulsive in her captivating performance opposite Farrell. Together they are amazingly convincing as the viewer never is given a chance to get a good read on these two actors who powerfully and so subtly reveal just bits and pieces of their broken and twisted lives that by happenstance place them on a singular road of salvation for their own humanity. To say too much would give the plot away, but by the end the entire experience gels in a visually cathartic conclusion. I highly recommend this film.

WWE Studios made a good film. Who knew that was possible?
Wow who knew WWE Studios could actually make a good film. From the trailers I first saw a few months ago the film looked like a really good action thriller yet there was no sign that WWE produced this film and I think that was purposely done by WWE Studios and the distributor studio in FilmDistrict. I mean when you bring up WWE Studios a good film certainly isn't the first thing that comes to mind. The only half way decent film they produced was The Condemned with Steve Austin. It was stupid fun thrill ride, but at best was a two and half to three star film, so I can understand why I didn't see the WWE's name openly attached to Dead Man Down. I think this was the first film WWE actually took seriously putting time and money into the film, and bringing in a good cast and director. Still when I learned that the WWE was a part of Dead Man Down a few days ago my expectations for the film dropped considerably, and I think that was a good thing because I was pleasantly surprised that Dead...

Danish director Niels Arden Oplev brings his talent for relentless uneasiness on the screen in this story by Joel Howard Wyman. The theme is not good guy versus bad guy because every character in the film is a bad guy/girl and once the audience tunes into that then the emphasis is on that elusive human reaction to trauma called revenge.

Victor (Colin Farrell) is a Hungarian immigrant whose wife and daughter were killed and he is out to destroy the Albanian crime gang that caused their death. He has infiltrated the crime empire run by ruthless kingpin Alphonse (Terrence Howard), with the single purpose of making Alphonse pay for destroying his once happy life. Victor's best friend is crime cohort Darcy (Dominic Cooper) whose obsessive curiosity about his friend opens the story for insertion of all manner of bad tings. As he meticulously orchestrates his vengeance from his high-rise home, Victor watches and is watched by Beatrice (Noomi Repace, a mysterious young woman, her...

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