Thursday, September 26, 2013

Jug Face

Creepy flick.
Jug Face reminds me why I don't go into the woods. It's a creepy thrill ride that left me equally uncomfortable and entertained. It's a wonderfully-acted and twisted backwoods horror that seems believable in a way that should scare everybody. Check it out.

The Pit Wants what the Pit Wants
and so does the movie viewer!

We were looking through a list of movies available On Demand on our TV. We watched, oh, I don't know, perhaps a dozen previews. They all seemed to be a conflagulation of every other movie in that genre that came before it. Like just a really bad knock off. I'm sure those movies would have been just fine, but just as easily forgettable and predictable.

Then we saw the preview for Jug Face.

And so it appeared we had not only found a movie sure to entertain us with messed-up characters, but we also found something unique. Something we hadn't felt as though we'd seen a thousand times before.

The paranormal element was so beautifully handled that for the first part of the story I wasn't sure if the pit TRULY wielded any power, or if these people were just crazy! (Or both!) You'll have to see the movie for yourself to find out.

Chad C Kinkle really captured the spirit of paranormal horror in its finest...

Glad I gave it a chance!
When I saw the title of the film, I really wondered if I should watch it or not. But, the positive reviews it received pushed me to give it a chance. And I'm glad I did! While the situation surrounding Ada's pregnancy is a tad uncomfortable, the whole situation isn't far-fetched nor are the characters. The actors, many of which I'd never heard of before, really did a wonderful job. Sean Young (the only one I had heard of) did quite the job of playing a mother I'd never wish to have. The ending was heartbreaking but didn't leave me crying foul. It's not a movie for everyone and not every horror fan will like it, but I definitely don't think this one is a dud.

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