Tuesday, September 17, 2013

An Affair of the Heart: Rick Springfield [2-disc Blu-ray]

Very Enjoyable
Emily at BluntReview (dot)com says: Music, for some, is just a nice kind of background cacophony of notes strung together that they use to invigorate, stimulate, unwind or get through. For others, a group, or a song, absolutely grips into a part of the brain that would otherwise seek pharmaceuticals for such wild reactions of visceral happiness. The rush of endorphins creates a bond. In many cases, a loyal bond that spreads over decades - and Billboard popularity.

Being of the later group myself (I had/have"The Keiths" - Moon and Richards), I really enjoyed the look into pop star Rick Springfield's current going ons, and those who are still following his creations. Admittedly, I'd (sadly) dismissed this real talent, as a bubble gum sort of McCutey. I glanced, gave a listen, and pinned him as a marketing campaign wrapped into an - obviously - handsome shell with a perfectly sellable song or two. Well, yes, and no.

Here in An Affair of the Heart Springfield - who...

Rick fan must see!!
Saw this film at the Malibu premiere in 9/2011. Wonderful footage of concerts and interviews. Endearing portraits of Rick fans.... Shows why we love the man and his music!

Surprisingly Emotional!
An Affair of the Heart is much more than meets the eye. This movie gives Rick Springfield's fans a glimpse in to the heart of this rock legend - which is very tender indeed - especially toward his loyal fans. Rick has matured into more than just an accomplished performer, actor, singer, artist, writer, and amazing guitar player, he has arrived at that spot in life where he loves what he does and realizes that the deep connection with his followers is the reason he continues to thrive as an artist. The tenderness with which Rick interacts with his fans explains why he continues to succeed!
One also sees Rick through the eyes of his adoring fans. Cult following would not be the correct description... but faithful and maybe a bit obsessive. Heartstrings are pulled and one can't help but laugh out loud or maybe, more appropriately, giggle like a school girl alongside some of Rick true fans.
I honestly didn't know what to expect from this movie. I loved it! Enjoyable, fun,...

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