Tuesday, September 17, 2013

El Milagro de Marcelino Pan y Vino

Just As Good As the Original!
Highly recommended for the entire family regardless of which Christian affiliation! Slightly different than the original but wonderfully done with a more detailed story line.

The original much better than the remake
I enjoyed it but since I liked the original so much the additions to the new one was not much to my liking.

If you could but believe as a little child....
This film is a beautiful, cinematic representation of the biblical injunction [I'll paraphrase]: "If you could but believe as a little child." Marcelino is precisely such a little child and it never occurs to him not to believe. His belief is potent because of its simplicity. There is a miracle and Marcelino is transfigured. Yes, I would have done the last part of the film a little differently but that's a matter of personal taste.

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